Rebecca Cook

Senior Director, Continuing and Professional Education

Rebecca Cook is Senior Director of Continuing & Professional Education (CaPE), where she oversees the development and delivery of noncredit programming and services to adult learners of all ages. With over two decades of experience in continuing education, Rebecca is passionate about the life-changing impact and potential of non-traditional education and lifelong learning. In her current role, she introduced career-focused boot camps, facilitated a combined credit and noncredit certificate program with Caterpillar, partnered with Arizona International to bring faculty-professional programs to learners in Jordan and South Korea, and helped to secure endowment funding for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the U of A. Rebecca has been active in UPCEA (online and professional education association), presenting and speaking on several panels and is a past chair of the Program Planning and Implementation Network. She earned a B.S.N and an M.A. in Journalism, both from the University of Arizona.